Help for Students Who Feel Left Out

Mar 04 2020 0 Comments

I have been talking a lot about my social emotional learning program. I thought I would provide more detail as to what the program is all about and how it can help your students.

The name of the program is the My Super Powers! Social Emotional Learning Program, and it is based on my guided journal, Why is Different Awesome?  A problem that schools face is that some students feel left out. This may be due to being new to the school, their racial or ethnic heritage, differences in their physical abilities, their perceived socio-economic status, their interests or hobbies, or a variety of other reasons. Left out students do not have many friends at school, they often are alone during recess, and they are sometimes bullied.  They are not socially connected with the other students. The result is that their academic achievement suffers, they struggle with anxiety and depression, and they face discipline problems both at school and at home. 

When a student feels that he or she is on the outside of the community, it is not only up to the student to find strategies to feel more connected. All students should understand that each of their classmates is an integral, valuable member of the community and strive to help their struggling classmates. The My Super Powers! Social Emotional Learning Program focuses on strengthening students’ social awareness and relationship skills competencies by helping to build self-esteem and foster strong school communities.

About the Program
The My Super Powers! Social Emotional Learning Program is an 8-week program designed to be integrated into a school’s 4th or 5th grade writing program. The lessons emphasize kindness, empathy, diversity, and self-awareness. After classroom discussion of the lesson’s topic, students spend time journaling. The reflective aspect of journaling helps students to continue to think about and process the discussion points in order to gain an even deeper understanding and to retain the knowledge. After journaling, students are encouraged to share what they journaled about. The premise of the program is that through discussion, reflection, journaling, and sharing, every child can learn to embrace their special qualities and respect those of others. As a result, fewer students will feel that they are on the outside, the incidence of bullying will decrease, and acts of kindness will increase.

Classroom Time Required
The program includes 8 weekly lessons that are designed to be incorporated into the school’s existing 45-60 minute writing unit. This makes implementation relatively easy with minimal disruption of the school’s established curriculum and schedule, as teachers will not have to find extra minutes for the program. Instead, once a week for 8 weeks the teacher will use the materials included with the  My Super Powers! SEL Program to teach both SEL skills and writing skills.  

Materials Included
The program package includes one copy of Why Is Different Awesome? for each student. Why Is Different Awesome? is a guided journal that includes a variety of prompted journaling opportunities. It celebrates differences by encouraging kids to embrace what is different about them and to accept differences in others. The instructor’s guide includes each of the 8 lessons, as well as supplemental material for use throughout the 8 weeks and throughout the rest of the school year in order to provide continued reinforcement of the ideas taught in the 8 lessons.

Distance Learning
I understand that there remains uncertainty as to the part distance learning will play in the future. The My Super Powers! Social Emotional Learning Program is designed for implementation by teachers in the traditional classroom setting, by teachers through distance learning, and by home schoolers.


If you are an elementary school educator, I invite you to this email me to set up a time for a short telephone conversation. I would like to learn about the challenges you face and explain how the My Super Powers! Social Emotional Learning Program can help.

If you know an elementary school educator such as a principal, teacher, or counselor, please forward this blog to them or connect us through an email introduction.

Thank you!


Stacey Montgomery, Founder
Stacey M Design and Stacey Montgomery Publishing


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