I had not planned on blogging tonight. But tonight a wonderful childhood memory popped into my mind, and I decided to share. I was reminded of summertime when I was kid. My father was a huge fan of baseball. His favorite team was the Phillies. I do not recall that he ever attended a game at the Vet. I am not even sure if he ever watched games on TV. I do know that he regularly listened to games on the radio both in the car and in the house.

At that time we did not have air conditioning in our home. On hot summer nights I recall all the windows being open and fans humming in most of the rooms in our home. We turned off most of the lights in the house to keep it as cool as possible. Stripped down to his old man boxers, my father would usually retreat to my parent’s bedroom. He then turned on the radio. He had lost some of his hearing in one ear, so he always cranked up the volume on the radio. He then just relaxed for the evening– dozing and listening to baseball. I was not particularly interested in baseball and could not understand how anyone could just listen to radio when there was plenty to see on TV. But my dad just loved listening to baseball.
Tonight as I sit in my home, I am reminded of those summer evenings when I was a kid. Right now the sun is setting and most of the lights are off in the house. Harold’s eyes are glued to the TV, watching the Yankees and the Tigers. (Go Tigers!) I am in my office working. Isaiah is hanging out with his crew. The television is blasting. While I cannot see it, I can hear it. What came to my mind almost instantly were those summer days when I was a kid and the sounds of a baseball announcer calling the game blasted throughout the house. Funny how things that we have not thought about in decades can suddenly seem as if they happened just yesterday.
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