4 Small Ways to Build Confidence in Kids

Jan 08 2018 0 Comments confidence

Whether you have a kid that is full of confidence, or you have a kid that needs a little boost in confidence, there are little things that you can do constantly support confidence in your kids.  Here are 4 ideas:

Clean Slate
After my son breaks a rule and faces the consequences, I always say, “Clean slate!” Those 2 words signal that we are moving on. Let your kids know that today’s mistake will not define them forever. Use bad behavior as opportunities to teach them how to make better choices in the future, without deflating them with constant reminders of the past.  

Support their passions
Are your kids exploring their passions? Or are they just busy? With so many activities available – from sports to art to STEM – it’s easy to miss less common hobbies. One mom told me about her son, who became fascinated by Manga at a young age. His comics collection spurred an interest in Japanese culture, and Mom moved her family to a different school district so he could study Japanese. As a high-schooler, he spent a summer studying in Japan. Notice what enchants your children! Help them see the opportunities in life. Empower them to pursue what gives them joy.  

Allow your kids to make age-appropriate choices so they grow confident in their ability to make decisions. Let them see that even in difficult situations, they have options. Ask their opinion often. Shall we cook pasta or chicken today? This action film or that comedy? Encourage them dream up solutions to problems. How can we save up for that Disney cruise? When they learn early to flex that decision-making muscle, they’ll be accustomed to looking at all their options, and avoid remaining stuck in bad situations later in life.

We love our kids! Sometimes, in a moment of upset or frustration, it may be difficult to show that love in a way they understand. My motto is that I never withhold a hug from my child. No matter how much he upsets me by breaking a rule, bombing a test because he didn’t study, or generally driving me nuts, I always make sure he knows – even in that moment of annoyance – he is unconditionally loved.



© 2017 Stacey Montgomery. All rights reserved.



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