We all wanted to be her when we grew up. Wonder Woman.
Young girls of the late 70s discovered her over a bowl of popcorn and their living room television screens. Each week, actress Lynda Carter turned the Wonder Woman comic strip into real, hour-long entertainment unlike anything on TV. Kids everywhere recreated favorite scenes. They circled lengths of clothesline into golden lassoes, pretended bikes were invisible airplanes, and took turns roleplaying Wonder Woman’s success at conquering evil.
In late-70s America, this was revolutionary. Most business owners, police officers, doctors, and elected officials? All male. Wonder Woman was smart, brave, beautiful, and capable. When generations of kids imitated her, they fully embraced what smart, brave, beautiful, and capable felt like to them.
Wonder Woman didn’t only ignite childhood imaginations; she provided practice for the future.
Now she’s leapt to the big screen. This spring’s blockbuster movie, Wonder Woman, ensures a new generation shares popcorn and empowerment with this female warrior for good. Starring Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, this adaptation provides a deeper level of Wonder Woman, showing moments of despair as well as triumph. And this time, the film’s director is female, a rare phenomenon in the (still!) male dominated industry.
A new movement, a new movie, and a new opportunity to create conversation with daughters and sons alike. I went with my friend, Debi, while my husband and son saw it together. Go with your friends and kids, male or female, and prepare to be inspired.
Wonder Woman represents perseverance and selflessness. She reminds us to look for the good in everyone, to voice the truth, and never forget we are stronger than we appear; characteristics we want every generation to embody. After all, it doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, practicing these each day makes everyone a superhero for good.
What did you think about Wonder Woman?
~ Stacey Montgomery
In keeping with our mission to help build kid’s confidence, we’ve created a guided journal, “What’s Your Super Power?” targeted to girls aged 8 – 12. Order now through StaceyMDesign.com
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