Oops! I forgot to get a card!

Jul 13 2016 0 Comments birthday card greeting card

Have you ever had to stop on the way to a birthday party to pick up a card?  Or, to pick up a gift!  Well, I know I have.  Yes, I am embarrassed to say that even though I am a designer of greeting cards I have not always been on top of the greeting card situation.  

Birthdays just seem to sneak up on us.  Yes, I know.  They are the same date each year.  And for a birthday party, we generally get the invitation in plenty of time to plan.  Well, life happens.  Suddenly, we are running out to the car to go to the party, or we are realizing that we gotta get the card in the mail TODAY.

To help make sure that you have enough cards on hand for all of those birthdays (your kids, nieces, nephews, grandkids, greatgrandkids, godchildren, the neighbor's kids, your kids' friends, the kids of your friends.....), why not keep a variety of cards on hand? 

For a limited time, take 20% off of my line of cute birthday cards

      Promo Code:  BDAY20
      Discount:  20% off birthday greeting cards
      Expiration:  July 17, 2016, Midnight Central

Now, let's say it together:  NO MORE OOPS!


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